Today is a sad day, a day where Kick-Ass fans come to the realization that there may not be a Kick-Ass 3 and the idea of Dave & Mindy for us Kick-Ass/Hit-Girl shippers may not ever actually happen fully on the silver screen... The boxoffice numbers are in and they aren't good: 1. The Butler - $25,010,000 2. We're the Millers - $17,780,000 3. Elysium $13,600,000 4. Kick-Ass 2 $13,568,000 Kick-Ass 2 falls 6 milion dollars short from the first film's opening weekend number of $19,828,687, which even with that opening weekend number, Kick-Ass was still later considered a boxoffice failure. *le sigh* I guess we always have this: